Two Unique Feline Friends with Special Needs Embark on a Forever Journey

Living on the streets is tough for a cat, especially when they are feral. Feral cats have a hard time trusting humans and struggle to find food and a safe place to sleep. It’s even harder for the kittens born to feral cats, as they often have trouble finding forever homes. Luckily, there are people out there who are willing to give these kitties a chance, even if they are shy or need extra care.

Recently, I read about Holly and Ivy, two beautiful cats from England who were rescued and given a chance at a better life. Their story is a heartwarming one, showing how even the most timid cats can thrive in a loving home. I spoke to their owner to hear all about their journey from street cats to pampered pets. Keep reading to discover the inspiring tale of Holly and Ivy’s transformation into happy house cats.

How did Holly and Ivy become part of your family?
I spotted Holly and Ivy on the RSPCA Macclesfield Facebook group after their original adopters fell through. Despite almost missing my chance to apply because they had been reserved again, I couldn’t resist reaching out. At the time of the post, they were just 8-10 weeks old. My husband and I had been staying with his parents to save up for our own home, which we finally moved into in August 2016 after a lot of renovations. Even though we hadn’t officially settled in yet, I couldn’t imagine our new place without cats, as I had grown up with them since I was four years old. So, in January 2017, I knew I had to bring Holly and Ivy home with us.

When I first laid eyes on Ivy’s adoption photo, my heart skipped a beat. After filling out all the necessary forms, we were quickly given the green light to go meet Holly and Ivy. I was overjoyed, especially considering the high level of interest they had received. As soon as we arrived, Holly immediately bonded with my husband; she was practically glued to his side. Ivy, on the other hand, was shy and reserved. She cautiously approached us before retreating back into her hiding spot. It was clear that both cats had been through a lot, especially with Ivy dealing with a pesky eye infection and feline herpes.
Their mom was brought to the RSPCA as part of a TNR program and after her recovery, she was released back to the farm where she was found. The farm owners decided to adopt Ivy and Holly’s brother, Noel. Named by their foster mom because they came around Christmas time, we were forewarned about the challenges of adopting feral cats. We were told that Ivy may never be a cuddly lap cat, but that didn’t faze us one bit. We just wanted to give them a loving home. So, in February, we brought them home, knowing that we were in for a journey filled with ups and downs, but we were ready to take on the challenge.

Holly and Ivy, from left to right, may not be in the best health, but they definitely live their lives to the fullest with us. Both of them struggle with Feline Herpes, leading to recurrent eye infections and respiratory issues. Poor Holly seems to be hit the hardest, dealing with up to 3 eye infections a year, while Ivy has been relatively spared from such troubles. Their knees also give them problems, especially when Ivy started limping on one leg and a visit to the vet revealed Luxating Patella, where their knee caps pop out of place. Despite this, they have become quite adept at popping them back in on their own with minimal fuss. However, as they age, the condition may worsen, potentially requiring surgical intervention. Additionally, Holly grapples with hip issues, resulting in her legs being bowed inwards. She’s not one for jumping, but she absolutely adores a good hip massage!

Due to their knee issues and overall health, these felines prefer the comfort of their indoor surroundings. With three levels of play areas filled with toys and cat towers, they have plenty of space to roam and explore. On sunnier days, they venture out into the garden, especially when they have someone to keep them company. Despite their curiosity, they don’t attempt to leap over the fence, as their jumping abilities are limited. Additionally, these timid cats are easily frightened, even by their own shadows, making the idea of leaving their secure garden a scary thought for them.

Ivy, Noel, and Holly (from left to right)
How do they get along with one another?
They have a strong bond. Holly, the independent one, often finds her own quiet spot to rest during the day, but she enjoys being near her sister when we’re all together in the same room. Ivy adores Holly and always snuggles up with her for naps, even though Holly eventually needs her space. They love playing together and grooming each other several times a day. When they had to go to the vet for dental surgery (each having three teeth removed, including three big teeth for Ivy), they missed each other dearly. Ivy was seen searching and crying for her sister.

Holly displays her impressive hunting prowess, while Ivy flaunts her unique personality traits. Holly is an independent feline who enjoys her own space and can keep herself entertained. Despite her solitary nature, she is quite talkative and enjoys the company of visitors for some extra treats and playtime. While not a fan of cuddling, she does tolerate it occasionally and will signal when she’s had enough. Each night, she bids us goodnight before heading off until the morning.

On the other hand, Ivy, once a timid kitten, has transformed into a total diva. She craves attention and loves being the center of everyone’s focus. With a penchant for playtime, she isn’t shy about making her demands known, especially when she can’t locate my husband. Every night, she snuggles up on a blanket next to him, showcasing her affectionate side. Although not too keen on visitors, Ivy has surprisingly warmed up to the in-laws when they come around.

Ivy and Holly soaking up the sun
What do they enjoy doing for fun?
Holly, being a regular cat, loves basking in the sunlight to catch some Z’s. You’ll often find her perched on the highest level of her tower, gazing out the window and observing the neighborhood in quiet contemplation. She adores snoozing and also has a penchant for tuning into Cat TV on her iPad (YouTube), occasionally ‘asking’ for her tablet by attempting to swipe our phone screens. She could remain glued to the screen for hours on end.

Ivy is a playful and affectionate kitty who always craves attention from either me or my husband. She has a peculiar habit of meowing loudly when she’s in another room, but when she’s with us, she’s more composed and chirpy. One cute thing about her is that she has a preferred blanket that she kneads and snuggles into with all four paws before dozing off. It’s funny because we ended up buying multiple blankets since she moves them around the house so much. When you hold her, she goes all floppy like a rag doll, which just adds to her charm.

Holly and Ivy eagerly awaiting their meal
Is there something unique you’d like people to know about Holly and Ivy?
These two adorable cats, Holly and Ivy, have had their fair share of health challenges but that hasn’t stopped them from being loving and sweet companions. It’s important for people to understand the responsibilities and costs that come with caring for feral cats like Holly and Ivy, but the love they give in return is priceless.
I want to express my gratitude to Caroline and Mark for allowing me to share the heartwarming tale of Holly and Ivy with the readers of Cattitude Daily. Not all feral cats are as lucky as these two to find a loving home, and I’m so glad that they have been given the chance to experience the love and care they deserve.

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