Rescued Street Beauty: A White Stray Finds Shelter and Family Under the Cat Tree

One sunny afternoon in Belgium, a family came across a slender white cat in their backyard. Moved by their compassion, they decided to place some food out for her. Despite her wild nature, the promise of regular meals persuaded her to make their garden her new abode.

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After noticing that her figure was getting bigger, the family noticed that she was expecting. They decided to get in touch with a local animal rescue for advice on what to do next. Anne, who fosters for a group called Cat Searches Home, was happy to take her in and provide her with a safe place to have her babies.

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Anne decided to name the cat ‘Penny’, and she finally experienced the comfort of having a pet indoors. As Penny settled into her cozy room, she made it clear that she needed her space and independence from her human companions.

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Despite having numerous hiding spots, Penny was always fascinated by the cat tree.
Whenever Anne came into the room, Penny would timidly emerge from her secret spot and eagerly make her way towards her food bowl.

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Several days later, Penny surprised everyone by going into labor and giving birth to her kittens under the cat tree instead of choosing the more luxurious birthing suites. She proudly nurtured four chubby and healthy kittens, a testament to all the love and food she had been receiving since she made her home at the family’s residence.

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Penny was fiercely protective, making sure her nest was kept safe from any human disruptions. She would lovingly hug her kittens close, always ready to gently guide them back if they strayed too far away.

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As the kittens grew stronger and bigger, they were unable to contain their curiosity, even with Penny trying to protect them. Anne revealed that when the kittens were around three weeks old, she was finally able to start interacting with them as their curiosity led them to her.

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The foster mom immediately caught the attention of the kittens.
Kaya, the most daring of the bunch, took the lead, with the others following right behind her.

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Penny kept a watchful eye on her kittens as they interacted with Anne, feeling a sense of concern but also curiosity. Any little noise from the kittens would immediately grab Penny’s attention and instinct to protect them.

“Wow, these little ones are so friendly and seem so interested in me,” Anne commented with a smile.

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Kiki and Kaya have an abundance of energy and excitement as they embark on new adventures. Their sister Kamille, initially cautious, quickly joins in once she sees how much fun her siblings are having. On the contrary, Koa is a total momma’s boy, always sticking close to her side.

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Anne’s lap is the favorite spot for the kittens to snuggle and enjoy the extra love and affection. Despite not being socialized early on, Penny is comfortable knowing that her kittens are being taken care of. Anne is confident that she will find a loving home for Penny, whether she becomes more sociable or not.

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Penny is scheduled for spaying and will receive the essential medical care she needs. If she doesn’t enjoy indoor living, she can find happiness as a barn cat, where she will be taken care of by people who cherish her.

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The young cats are getting bigger every day, practicing and perfecting their natural abilities as felines. Penny has shown them how to groom themselves and climb the cat tree where they were born.

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Penny enjoys lounging on her beloved cat tree, encircled by her charming little ones. Even though she wasn’t socialized early on, Penny trusts that her kittens are in good care.

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Once the kittens reached a certain size, Anne found them new homes for adoption. It wasn’t long before Kaya and Kamille were both welcomed into the arms of a loving family who promised to take care of them.

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Shortly thereafter, Kiki and Koa were united with their new, caring owners – who happened to be a couple!
“Have you ever experienced that moment when everything just clicks into place seamlessly? That’s exactly how I felt witnessing Kiki and Koa meeting their new family for the first time. It was like a perfect match,” Annie recounted.

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On the upside, Mama Penny, who had been spayed in the meantime, found a silver lining. The kind family that had taken care of her before came forward to welcome her back.

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As Penny was a wild cat, it was clear that she preferred the great outdoors over being cooped up inside. To accommodate her, her new owners set her up in a cozy garden shed where she could roam freely. They furnished it with a comfortable cat bed, lots of catnip toys, and even built a sturdy wall to keep her safe while she enjoys her new outdoor lifestyle.

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She was able to build a loyal following of individuals who adored her greatly. Check out the video down below:

I want to extend my gratitude to Annie for generously sharing Penny’s story with us. If you’re interested in seeing more of this charming family and learning about Annie’s other foster animals, be sure to check out their Instagram page.

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