Unlocking the Charm of Siamese Cats: Beyond Meows to Conversations and Fetch!


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Ever dreamed of getting a cat that runs on dog software? Get a Siamese cat then! You will have the best of both worlds.  Siamese cat are sharp, playful, and loyal cats, who announce their presence with unique loud meows. 

This intelligent and affectionate cat breed can even play fetch with you- just like a dog- if trained properly. You can even train them to walk on a leash. Just be mindful of starting their leash training early into the kittenhood. 

But dare you mistake them to be obedient like dogs! They won’t fetch you your newspaper or get a spoon from the kitchen. They have their own whims and wishes. How dare you disrespect a cat!

Let’s learn more about the Siamese cat breed.

Brief History of the Siamese Cat Breed

The ancient Siamese cat has inspired remarkable legends. These unconventional cats come from Thailand and are renowned as the revered cats of the king of Siam. Hence, the name- Siamese cat!

Siamese cats became exclusive royal cats reserved only for the king and his royal family. These exotic looking cats set their foot in Europe for the first time in the late 1800s. The king of Siam gifted them to the English consulate general in Bangkok. 

When he brought them back to England, these cats captured the fancy of the entire town. People aspired to somehow get an oriental cat for themselves. 

A man named Owen Gould bought a Siamese breeding pair- Pho and Mia- in 1884. They are considered to be the first  Siamese cat in the western cat fancy. Although, there is stipulation that Peter Simon Pallas spotted a Siamese cat in the 1700s. The German explorer reported seeing one during the explorations of the Caspian Sea. 

Japan, Britain, France, and Siam exported the Siamese cats to North America throughout the late 1800s and the early 1900s. Wankee was the first Siamese cat to win a champion title in 1898.

These cats have undergone striking changes in their appearance over the time. The modern types of Siamese cat have wedge-shaped more angular heads as compared to their ancestors. When the modern Siamese cat is bred together with a traditional one, the resulting version is called classic Siamese cat.

There are also several common variations such as the Lynx Point Siamese and the Flame Point Siamese.

Siamese Cat Breed Overview

Siamese cats look exotic and have a long elegant body. These medium sized muscular cats have tall ears, a long triangled head, and a straight nose. From their necks to their legs and tails, all their body parts are long.

  • Weight: Males weigh between 8 to 12 lbs. females weigh less than 8 lbs.
  • Length: Up to 14 inches
  • Coat: Short smooth coat with points pattern
  • Coat color: Blue, fawn, cream, cinnamon, red, chocolate, lilac, and seal
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Life expectancy: 8 to 12 years

Siamese Cat Personality

Siamese cat symbolize beauty with the brain. They aren’t like other cats, who can thrive on their own when their human parent is away for long hours. These adorable affectionate kitties form close bonds with humans- particularly with one member of the household. 

When you get a Siamese cat, you basically get a talking buddy. They are vocal and expressive. They will let you know their feelings with their loudest meows, purrs, and hisses. Several Siamese owners even claim these are real attempts to communicate. 

Sphynx Characteristics & Attitudes

  • Friendliness: High
  • Affection level: High
  • Child friendly: Medium to Low
  • Pet friendly: Medium to High
  • Playfulness: High
  • Energy level: Medium
  • Exercise requirements: High
  • Intelligence: High
  • Tendency to vocalize: High
  • Shedding: Low

Siamese Cat Breed Care

Siamese cat have short coats. This means they need minimum maintenance. You can brush their coat once a week to remove loose hair. And voila! Their nails need trimming once every six weeks. 


Just like other cats, you need to pay attention to your Siamese cat’s oral health. Brush their teeth regularly with a toothpaste made specifically for cats. Human toothpaste can be toxic to them. 

You can also get dental plaque cleaning treats for them. These chewy treats help remove plaque from their teeth. It is advisable to keep your Siamese cat indoors. Do not let them roam outdoors unsupervised. You can get them leash trained. 

 Siamese cat are active and playful, so they do need to be kept entertained. You can create a cat enclosure for your kitty. This way it can enjoy the outdoors safely. 

Get them a scratch post and a cat tree. These two are a must if you want to save your furniture and upholstery. They sure do love climbing! Get them tasers, puzzles, and other interactive pet toys. Siamese are sharp and brainy, so you need to keep them entertained before they find your stuff to keep them busy. 

If you have kids, make sure you socialize your furry feline right from its kittenhood. Siamese are known to get too attached to one particular member of the household. This often happens at the expense of other family members. 


Siamese cats can be let around kids above eight years of age. Make sure your kids are not playing too rough. Teach them how to handle a cat safely. 

These cats thrive in environments where their favorite human is constantly around. Siamese cats do not do well on their own. You can get your  Siamese cat another feline companion. But it cannot substitute their need for interaction with their human. 

These beautiful kitties are known to fall into depression if left on their own for too long. Even when they have the company of other cats. If you are looking to get a quiet companion, skip this breed. Be prepared to listen to a running commentary from them while you do your laundry or cook food. They sure are vocal and upfront. 

Did I tell you their meows are the sweetest? Seriously!!

Common Health issues in Siamese Cats

Purebred and mixed breed types of Siamese cat, both are susceptible to specific health troubles, especially eye problems. Until a few decades ago, Siamese cats commonly suffered from crossed eyes. 

This happened due to a gene causing problems with the vision wiring in the brain. Thankfully, present Siamese cats don’t face this specific health threat. But they are prone to weak vision. This is why you must not let your cat out in the dark. 

 Siamese cat face another health risk due to their wedge-shaped heads. They are prone to respiratory diseases like asthma. You need to monitor your fur baby’s protein levels. 

These gorgeous kitties can have abnormal protein build up in their organs, which can result in liver problems. This condition can also arise due to abnormality in the plasma cells in the bone marrow. 

Some other health risks  Siamese cats face are:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus: an autoimmune disease causing inflammation in connective tissues. It manifests in the form of weak cartilage, joint pain, and severe fatigue.
  • Hemophilia: a rare genetic disorder characterized by the blood’s inability to coagulate. In other words, the blood won’t clot properly.
  • Amyloidosis: a rare disease caused by an abnormal buildup of amyloid protein in the organs, especially the liver.
  • Pica: a psychological eating disorder due to which your kitty starts gorging on non edible items like elastics, cardboard, fabric, etc.
  • Patellar luxation: a condition in which the kneecap dislocates causing pain and difficulties in walking.
  • Mast cell tumor: a type of blood cancer of a specific blood cell. This blood cell is responsible for your cat’s body to respond against inflammations and allergies.
  • Feline hyperesthesia syndrome: a rare and complex disorder characterized by an abnormal increase in sensitivity. Your cat’s skin can twitch and they might feel pain from simple petting.
  • Mammary (breast) cancer: Breast cancer is the third most common cancer in cats. Generally, senior cats (10 or above year old kitties) are at the high risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Congenital heart defects: a type of birth defect common in cats and can lead to heart failure. The defect occurs due to abnormalities in the structure of the heart such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Recommended Diets for the Siamese Cat Breed

Your  Siamese cat will need a mix of both dry and wet cat food. Dry food keeps their gums and teeth healthy by preventing plaque deposition. Wet food entices them to eat their meal and provides adequate hydration. 

Remember cat’s eat several small meals throughout the day. If your lifestyle doesn’t allow this, you can get a pet feeder with time settings. Leaving food to their access 24*7 can lead to overeating, resulting in obesity. 

Weigh your cat at least once a month and if you find it gaining weight, provide two meals a day. Make sure you are removing uneaten portions after they are done. 

Your cat should have constant access to clean drinking water. As your cat ages, discuss its specific nutritional requirements with the vet.

Siamese Cat Pros & Cons


  • Intelligent and fun to be around. Easy to groom
  • Beautiful exotic looking cats with distinct appearance
  • Affectionate and loving. Bonds well with its human
  • Trainable. You can even teach them to fetch
  • Don’t mind being walked on leash
  • Low shedding


  • People with long work hour shifts need to find a way to keep the cat entertained. If left alone for long consistently, they can develop depression
  • More predisposed to liver, heart, and eye problems
  • Can turn archaic and destructive if their emotional and physical needs aren’t met
  • Not suitable around infants. Siamese cats can get jealousy and clingy towards their favorite human
  • Can get too vocal and loud
  • Can get aggressive if not socialized properly during kittenhood

Interesting Facts About Siamese Cat

Siamese cats are distinct and do well with experienced owners. They are more territorial than other breeds. You will be surprised to know Siamese cats actually like to cuddle. Yes, that’s right! They show affection physically and like being cuddled and petted. 

Here are some other quick facts:

  • Present day Siamese cats are slender than their ancestors.
  • There are three types of Siamese cats- modern, classic, and applehead.
  • There is a legend that siamese cats guarded Buddhist temples. In certain cultures, they were considered sacred.
  • There exists a bald Siamese cat – Peterbald, which is a cross between a Don Sphynx and an oriental cat. The oriental kitty had the body type similar to the Siamese cat.
  • Siamese cats have grabbed ‘roles’ in Hollywood movies. Lady and the Tramp, The Wizard of Oz (1939), and That Darn Cat are some of the famous movies that depicted Siamese cats.

Final Thoughts on Siamese Cats

If you want a cat that would follow you around, be interested in talking to you, and loves cuddles, get a Siamese cat. They are loving, affectionate, and chatterboxes. You won’t have another boring day ever after you get a Siamese. 

Siamese cats aren’t high maintenance but they need lots of attention. Adopt one and you both can sing as many meows until the end of the world!

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