Unique Title: “Daily Declarations of Feline Gratitude: A Special Cat’s Heartfelt Joy at being Cherished”

Cat Born Special Tells His Human Every Day How Happy He is to be Loved

Say hello to Edward, the adorable grey kitten who came into this world as a true miracle. The kind-hearted souls who saved him made it their mission to provide him with all the love and care he needed to thrive.

Courtesy: Stop the Trash

Tiny Edward entered the world at Richmond Animal Care and Control, and when he was placed in foster care, he was welcomed by his foster mom, Megan Timberlake.

“At around the 1-pound mark, we noticed that his head was slightly larger than usual, and our vet diagnosed him with hydrocephalus,” Megan shared with Love Meow. “He faced some challenges initially with eating and growing, but he eventually figured it out.”

“I instantly fell in love with him when I saw him and decided to bring him home. I fostered him for a while to ensure everything was okay, and we waited until he was bigger and stronger to get him neutered. During the neuter, we discovered he had entropion, which meant he needed surgery to fix it.”

According to Megan Timberlake from Richmond Animal Care and Control, the veterinarians from Prevent A Litter successfully repaired his eyes and he recovered quickly. Megan described him as a lovable and affectionate kitten who is managing well with his condition of hydrocephalus. Edward is considered a fortunate kitten who is currently not taking any medication. Despite his small size, he has a big heart.

According to Megan Timberlake from Richmond Animal Care and Control, Edward has an amazing personality. He exudes love, joy, and zest for life. At night, Edward enjoys snuggling and cuddling with his human, wrapping his arms around them as he drifts off to sleep. His humans shower him with an array of toys that he adores.

With his natural charm, Edward has a way of making all the animals feel comfortable around him. He effortlessly connects with every member of the household, whether they walk on four legs or two. You can often find him cuddling and doting on his sister, Luna.

“Edward shares his home with three furry felines and three canine companions. One of his cat brothers, Gulliver, is blind and was adopted by Megan from RACC. Despite his disability, Gulliver is Edward’s closest companion,” Megan shared.

Edward and Gulliver make an inseparable pair, enjoying each other’s company to the fullest.

Thanks to his resilience, little Edward is thriving despite his medical condition! Hats off to him!

With a zest for life, he continues to show resilience and an unwavering spirit that cannot be dampened. Following his operation, the little companion was full of joy and contentment as he purred in the company of his human companions.

Megan Timberlake shared that Edward is a loving and cuddly cat who craves attention. He enjoys being held while watching TV, getting neck scratches, and snuggling up to his human. When Megan comes home at night, Edward eagerly awaits her arrival and purrs excitedly. He even accompanies her to work occasionally, where he happily accepts snuggles from everyone he meets.

Originally, Megan intended to temporarily care for Edward until he was ready for adoption, but the tiny grey cat ended up becoming a permanent part of her life. Megan expresses her delight in adopting Edward, describing him as incredibly affectionate and devoted. She shares how he constantly shadows her around the house, always wanting to be by her side. Edward shows his gratitude to Megan daily, reminding her through his actions how grateful he is to be in a loving and healthy environment.

Hey guys, I wanted to pass on this awesome story by Megan Timberlake! Feel free to spread the word to your friends! And if you want to help out with their rescue work, check out Richmond Animal Care and Control’s website and Facebook page.

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