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Allow me to introduce you to the beautiful Adri!

This delightful kitty has shown remarkable resilience and is now eagerly looking forward to finding her forever home!

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Adri’s inspiring journey began when a compassionate volunteer from the 9 Lives Association first crossed paths with her in the neighborhood.

At that time, Adri was in a state of severe distress, struggling with a challenging case of feline calicivirus that had taken a toll on her lungs and mouth.

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It was a battle this snotty nosed kitten couldn’t fight alone, but she was determined to overcome it.

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After a thorough examination by a caring veterinarian, Adri was taken to a shelter where dedicated individuals continued to provide her with the necessary care and therapy she needed.

Day by day, Adri began to show her incredible strength and resilience, gradually regaining her health and blossoming into a playful furball.

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Now, a year and a half since her rescue, this adorable sweetheart is thriving, even though she occasionally deals with mild respiratory infections.

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Her overall health is excellent, and she possesses an incredible capacity to steal hearts with her affectionate nature.

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Whether she’s snuggled up with people or making friends with her fellow shelter cats, Adri radiates comfort and warmth with every stretch she takes.

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She’s known for her loving kisses and readily offers them in exchange for cuddles.

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The caregivers at the shelter describe her as simply indescribably perfect, and it’s easy to see why!

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Adri is a little workaholic at the shelter, taking her role as the hydration supervisor very seriously, especially when it comes to checking the water bowls!

She uses her adorable paws during these inspections, fully aware that one can’t truly test the waters without dipping their toes in!

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If Adri isn’t satisfied with the water temperature or freshness, she doesn’t hesitate to give the caring humans a stern glance, ensuring that everything is up to her high standards.

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With her playful antics and affectionate disposition, Adri is guaranteed to bring happiness and joy into the lives of those fortunate enough to welcome her into their homes.

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She’s not just a survivor but a shining example of the resilience and love that animals can offer when given a chance.

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Adri is more than ready to find her forever home and fill it with endless warmth and love.

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Will you be the one to open your heart to this extraordinary feline companion?

Check Adri out the video below:

If you are interested in adopting Adri into your family you can find out more here

A big thank you to Una for sharing Adri’s story with us

You can find out more about the 9 Lives Association on their website

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