While feeding the community cats, a pair from Brooklyn, New York stumbled upon a frail kitten perched on the sidewalk. Determined to help, they scooped her up and embarked on a mission to locate her missing siblings. Will and Divya, founders of Flatbush Cats, a cat rescue organization with a focus on TNR, didn’t hesitate to lend a helping hand where others turned a blind eye.
Flatbush Cats
Mani, the little kitten, had a badly infected eye and was so weak that she could hardly move or hide. Despite already caring for six foster kittens, the couple couldn’t bear to see her suffer on the streets. They noticed that one of her siblings also had a similar eye condition.
“It’s easy to make excuses from a distance, but when you see injured kittens just sitting on the sidewalk, all of that fades away. I carried Mani home in my arms because we had no empty traps or carriers left,” Will told Love Meow.
“I kept whispering ‘it’s going to be okay’ in her ear as we walked, even though I was worried she might get scared and try to escape.”
When the man rescued the first kitten and returned to save her brother, Fetty, who had his eyes stuck together from an infection, their sister Storm stuck by their side. Storm stayed with Fetty to protect him as he struggled with his vision due to the infection. When the man went back to find Fetty, he couldn’t locate him at first but spotted Storm seeking shelter from the rain under a windowsill. Knowing Fetty must be nearby, the man eventually found him hidden in the grass just below where Storm was.
Flatbush Cats
“After I placed the trap, she strolled in next to him, catching a ride to a life of luxury,” Will recounted.
The duo started caring for the cats and pampering them with hugs and affection.
The Flatbush Cats organization needed to perform surgeries on both Mani and Fetty to remove their injured eyes. After the procedure, Fetty was seen snuggled up with his rescuer, soaking up some well-deserved love and care.
Following the operation, Mani was happily purring and enjoying her meals of baby food, KMR, and kitten paté. She was ecstatic to have found someone to care for her and couldn’t stop showing her affection.
Flatbush Felines
After Fetty was finally cone-free post-surgery, he wasted no time in rolling around for belly scratches and playfully pouncing on his sister Storm.
“It’s such a relief to see him finally able to engage in typical kitten antics and play with us!”
Flatbush Cats
For weeks on end, the pair patiently demonstrated to the cat siblings the joys of being around humans and living indoors. The result? Now, every time they come home, the felines eagerly greet them with happy purrs and smiling faces.
Flatbush Felines
“Mani is a resilient, gentle, untamed, and daring kitty. Her tough experiences living on the streets are slowly fading away, being replaced by affection, comfort, and all the pampering a feline royalty like her could dream of.
“I often cuddle her tight and share soft words with her daily, finding solace in our bond.”
Flatbush Felines
All three of them have finally settled into their forever homes!
“Fetty and Storm were happily adopted together, and we couldn’t resist making Mani a part of our family as well (rescue success).”
Flatbush Felines
“Storm and Fetty have bid farewell to their days on the streets for good. We are incredibly happy with their progress and grateful that they now have a cozy home to cuddle up in instead of wandering the cold streets at night.”
Flatbush Cats is dedicated to ensuring that there are no kittens left homeless on the streets of Flatbush. Achieving this goal will require time and cooperation from the community, but they are determined to make it happen. Check out their inspiring rescue journey in the video above!
Don’t forget to spread the word to your buddies! Keep up with Flatbush Cats on Instagram for more updates.