Introducing Rexie, The Royal Feline Master of Bleps and Tongue Wizardry

Meet Rexie, a 3-year-old male cat who is incredibly expressive when it comes to conveying his emotions. One of my personal favorites is when he playfully sticks out his little tongue. It’s not like he’s posing for a photo, but rather a collaborative effort between a photographer and a “meowdel” like Rexie.
Capturing the perfect moment on camera is crucial, as is encouraging Rexie to show off all his tongue movements. The results are always delightful and never fail to make me smile.
Despite being handicapped, Rexie doesn’t let it hold him back from being his amazing self! Follow Rexie’s adventures on Facebook and Instagram for more cuteness.

Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks


Rexie The Cat-King Of Bleps And Tongue Tricks

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