Two adorable kitten siblings were recently discovered by a kind family in Nashville, Tennessee while they were renovating their home. The orphaned kittens were rescued and taken to Nashville Cat Rescue, where a foster parent named Kiki and her two momma cats, Olive and Pickle, welcomed them with open arms. The kittens, named Apricot and Pretzel, were only 2-3 weeks old when they were found.
The heartwarming story of Apricot and Pretzel’s rescue was shared on social media, where you can follow their journey on Instagram and Facebook. Don’t miss out on the adorable adventures of these two lucky kittens!
Credit for the image goes to kittenitwithkiki. It’s clear that Apricot has a unique appearance, leading to speculation that she could be a genetic chimera cat, a naturally rare phenomenon.
Kiki, who is caring for two mother cats named Olive and Pickle, recently welcomed two new kittens named Apricot and Pretzel into the mix. She took her time in gradually introducing them to the rest of the litter.
Photo credits: kittenitwithkiki
When given the chance, Bored Panda got in touch with Kayli, who fosters for Nashville Cat Rescue, and she happily shared the whole story with more details.
“Pickle and Olive are two adult cats who were trapped in a cat colony in the Greater Nashville area. The family helping the colony found out that the girls were friendly and both pregnant. When they contacted the rescue, they had one request – to keep the girls together even after they were ready for adoption.
When Pickle and Olive first came to me, they needed some time to adjust. They were a bit shy and would sometimes hiss or growl at me. But it was obvious that they had a strong bond and felt safe together. I spent a lot of time with them, making sure to give them space when needed. I would even sit on the floor and work on my laptop to be close to them. I wanted them to feel comfortable with me, especially as the babies arrived, whether it was helping with their care or just doing the daily tasks like weighing the kittens.”
“Pickle and Olive are a delight to watch, and their kittens are incredibly adorable. They take turns caring for each other’s babies as if they were their own.”
Pickle was more friendly than Olive, and when I would pet her, Olive would join in for some affection. After a few weeks, Pickle gave birth to 6 kittens, but sadly, one didn’t survive. While Pickle tended to her babies, Olive would still show affection towards her in the playpen, even though she showed no interest in the kittens at first. Surprisingly, after about a week, Olive started caring for the kittens as if they were her own and became protective of them when I handled them.
A week later, I was surprised to find a new kitten in the room, Olive’s first baby! She had another one just 24 hours later. Due to the small litter size and the time gap between the kittens, I took Olive to the vet to make sure everything was alright. It turned out she needed an emergency C-section, which ended up saving her life because there was a deceased kitten still inside her.
In addition to caring for their own kittens, Olive and Pickle also took in 2 orphaned babies whose mother never returned for them.
A recent arrival to the neighborhood discovered some adorable babies stuck in a wall, with their mother nowhere in sight. Concerned for their well-being, the new family knew they had to act quickly to ensure the little ones were taken care of.
The two new kittens, Apricot and Pretzel, seamlessly became a part of the household in no time, fitting right in with their new siblings Pickle and Olive. The charcuterie-inspired names added a fun and unique touch to the growing family.
All the mother cats and kittens will soon be ready for adoption in a few weeks! In the meantime, they are being cared for in a foster home by me.
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