Encountering Princess Monster Truck: The Rags to Riches Tale of a Street Cat Saved

Princess Monster Truck has a somewhat unusual name for a cat, but this lovable feline has won over the hearts of many on the Internet. Despite her intimidating fangs, she was rescued from the streets and now spreads love and joy online. She uses her fame to help other shelter animals find forever homes. Follow her on her website and Instagram to see more of her charming antics!


Hoomins discovered her wandering the streets.


Monster’s owner shared that he unexpectedly appeared from a bush while they were strolling back home after dinner one evening.


Her hair was completely tangled, she appeared very slender, and clearly in need of food.


“Since she was a completely black cat and it was nighttime, we didn’t notice her teeth until she suddenly looked up at us and unleashed a strange howl/meow.”


Her appearance startled me, prompting me to let out a small scream before asking, “What’s going on?”


We made a mutual agreement to not abandon her because she seemed too fragile to make it on her own, and so we guided her back to our home.


When we brought Monster to the vet, I couldn’t help but notice the staff chuckling at her unique appearance. As I sat there with her, I couldn’t help but wonder aloud if they believed she was born looking that way, or if something had happened to her to cause her unusual appearance.


The veterinarian explained to me that it seemed like the way her jaw was formed was a congenital condition, which is quite common among Persian cats.


Now, the person who owns Monster is using his fame to assist other shelter animals in finding their forever homes as well!







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