“Dressing Up a Librarian’s Cat as Famous Literary and Movie Characters Draws Crowds to This Unique Library”

The Centre County Library Historical Museum is not just your average public library. With its main branch and historical museum in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, along with branches in Centre Hall and Philipsburg, as well as a county-wide Bookmobile, this library has a lot to offer. From monthly book and film discussion groups to a cookbook club, genealogical and local history resources, an online digital library, LEGO club, children’s storytimes, and even a Tail Waggin’ Tutor program with therapy dogs Faolin and Conner, there is something for everyone here. But what really sets this library apart is Horatio, the resident cat who steals the show every week on Instagram with the hashtag #caturday.

Horatio’s owner, Lisa Shaffer, a social worker at the library, transforms her furry friend into iconic Hollywood, historic, and pop-culture figures, delighting library visitors and online followers alike. And if you’re a fan of Horatio’s antics, you’ll be excited to hear that the library is gearing up for their 2022 Caturday and Dog Days calendar fundraiser. This will be the 4th year featuring Horatio in the calendar, along with the 3rd year showcasing their Tail Waggin’ Tutors. Keep an eye out for the calendars on sale starting in October on the library’s website.

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Lisa Shaffer shared some insights into Horatio’s life behind the scenes. While Horatio resides with her, a cardboard cutout of him holds court at the main branch in Bellefonte. Described as sweet and docile, Horatio is a willing participant in his costume transformations, from hats and bowties to shirts, wigs, and elaborate ensembles. He even gets treats for his “photoshoots” and patiently poses for the camera, bringing joy to all who encounter him.

For more updates and adorable photos of Horatio, be sure to check out the library’s Instagram, website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages. #1

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Official report from the Centre County Library:
Overall score: 87 points.

claireevans avatar

Three years ago, PondFrog shared their thoughts on the initial concept of dressing up Horatio as various literary icons. When asked about the inspiration behind the ‘Caturday’ posts, Lisa explained that it was a way to showcase the library by combining two beloved things: cats and books. The idea originated in February 2014 with simple photos of her cats, particularly Horatio, next to books along with cat-themed puns as captions. As Horatio enjoyed posing for photos, props and hats were gradually added, eventually transforming into wigs, costumes, and backdrops. Lisa often tailored the posts to coincide with special occasions or events, incorporating library materials related to the theme.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Update:
Final Grade:
81/100 points
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18201166jawa avatar

Wow, that tiny whip is just so adorable!

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library News
Overall Result:
78 points

autumn_3 avatar

Three years ago, *’-BLOODLUST-‘* shared their excitement with an enthusiastic “AH!!”. It sparked a discussion with 12 replies and more comments that followed.

One interesting observation we made was that all of Horatio’s costumes are lovingly handmade. This led us to wonder about the time and effort Lisa puts into creating each costume. In her own words, “Most of the costumes are hand-crafted, while some are specially made pet costumes like Chewbacca and the postal carrier. I usually start with toddler-sized shirts as a base or craft one from felt using a pattern. Depending on the complexity, some outfits take less than 30 minutes to enhance with additional elements, while others may require an hour or more to produce from scratch, even including a wig.” #4

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Report: Final Grade – 78 points.

vickyz avatar

Vicky Z requested to see some teeth three years ago.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Report
Total points achieved:
77 points
STATUS: Completed

vickyz avatar

Vicky Z shared three years ago about her beloved cat, Horatio, who she affectionately refers to as “The real queen”. Horatio, a 13-year-old tabby, is known for his gentle and sweet nature and has a loud purr that can be heard from a distance. According to Vicky, Horatio is quite curious and aware when she is crafting a costume for him, showing a keen interest in participating. He seems to have a knack for sensing when a photo opportunity is about to happen, as he always manages to make an appearance right on cue. Despite being shy around strangers, Horatio is a natural in front of the camera, effortlessly posing with the perfect expressions that match the theme of the photo. His charming and amiable personality shines through, making him a star in his own right.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Report
Overall rating:
68 points

vickyz avatar

Vicky Z noticed the amusing ear that popped out, finding it quite funny.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Center County Library Report
Overall rating:
68 points

claireevans avatar

User PondFrog commented three years ago asking about Ron and the sweater. Another user replied with more information about Lisa’s favorite thing about her cat, Horatio. Lisa expressed that Horatio is more than just a cat to her, he is her best friend who knows how to cheer her up when she’s feeling down. She values his companionship a lot. Despite having six other cats in the household, Lisa shared that all of them are strays or stray kittens that were taken in and provided a home. Horatio is the middle cat among River, Tiger, Betty, Marmie, Loki, and Jojo. While some of the other cats have been featured in Caturday photos, Horatio is the one who enjoys posing and wearing costumes.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Update
Overall Points:
64 points
STATUS: Completed

claireevans avatar

PondFrog3 commented three years back saying, “Wow, that’s so adorable!” Showing their appreciation for something cute.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library update:
Final rating:
63 points

vickyz avatar

Comment by Vicky Z from 3 years ago:
Thank goodness you only covered the cat’s ear!

The fluffy tabby cat is definitely unique, so we inquired with his owner if she had any interesting anecdotes or trivia to tell us.
“Horatio loves to show off by rolling over for food. Whenever we have a ‘photoshoot’, he gets treats, but his cuteness level goes off the charts when he craves extra treats. He will dramatically flop on the floor, gaze up at you with his big eyes to draw you in, and then swiftly roll over before you can divert your attention. And, of course, he expects to be rewarded, he is well aware of his charm.”

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Report Update

Total points received: 63

Latest Update

rcarson avatar

R Carson commented three years ago stating that everything was ideal. The comment received 13 likes and generated several replies from other users.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Score Update:
Total points: 62
Status: Finalized
Comment: Great job, keep up the good work!

terawdon avatar

“The viral story of Horatio’s costume garnered global attention, but the real focus should be on the underlying message it conveys. Horatio’s Caturday photos serve as a testament to advocating for libraries, literacy, and education. Public libraries are not just spaces for books, but also serve as community hubs offering free knowledge and resources to all individuals. It is my hope that those who come across Centre County Library Historical Museum’s Caturday posts featuring Horatio not only enjoy them but also feel inspired to explore and support their local library.”

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Report Update:
Final Total:
59 points

kona4me avatar

Kona Pake made a post three years ago warning others not to mess with the daon.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library update:
End result:
58 points

gayoon09-kim avatar

Three years ago, a bored bunny humorously claimed to have spotted a rare species of dinosaur, the “catasorous.” (Disclaimer: this was obviously just a joke!)

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

Library Update
Overall Rating:
55 out of 100 Points
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18201166jawa avatar

Three years ago, Jam Jam expressed their excitement for “The Cat in the Hat” by saying they were crying.

For 4 Years, Every Week, This Cat Becomes An Iconic Figure To Promote The Library (231 Pics)

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