Shrek, a lovable and gentle feline, was discovered in a feral cat community where he faced constant bullying from other cats. This led to him being underfed, covered in battle scars, and suffering from partial blindness due to entropion.
Fortunately, Emily Shields, the compassionate founder of Whiskers N Wishes Sanctuary in Marana, Arizona, took Shrek under her care. Due to his uncanny resemblance to the famous ogre character from a popular animated film, Shrek was given his fitting name.
After receiving the necessary medical attention, Shrek found his forever home with a kind couple from New York, where he now enjoys a life of comfort as a pampered house cat.
To learn more about Shrek’s heartwarming journey, be sure to follow his adventures on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook. Don’t miss out on the chance to meet this charming and goofy cat who has captured the hearts of many online users.
Credit for the image goes to The tale of Shrek began at Whiskers N Wishes Sanctuary, where Emily Shields, the founder, rescued him from a cat colony where he was being picked on by the other cats.
Emily, the founder of Whiskers N Wishes, revealed her passion for rescuing cats dating back to her childhood. During the pandemic, she seized the opportunity to fulfill her dream in Tucson by purchasing land for the sanctuary. Since its inception in November 2020, the sanctuary has successfully facilitated 377 adoptions within 3 years.
In the midst of the pandemic, Emily launched Whiskers N Wishes by posting an ad on CraigsList offering to help those in need of surrendering their cats. With shelters closed due to COVID-19, she received an overwhelming response and swiftly acquired a property to cater to the increasing demand. By continuously expanding the sanctuary every six months, Emily aims to accommodate more cats in need.
Whiskers N Wishes primarily requires donations for expansions and veterinary bills, having accumulated $43,000 in vet expenses in 2023 alone due to their focus on senior, disabled, and Felv/Fiv cats. Additionally, providing food and litter for the cats is essential, with many requiring specialized diets for various health conditions. Despite the challenges, Emily remains dedicated to providing care for up to 40-45 cats simultaneously and endeavors to increase this capacity through future expansions.
Not only was Shrek struggling to get enough food, but he also had to deal with a condition called entropion that affected his vision.
We were intrigued to learn more about the origins of Shrek’s story and how Courtney came across him. Shrek had been living in a cat colony near an airport in Tucson, where he was being mistreated by other cats. Courtney from Poets Square Cats, a TikTok account with a huge following, discovered Shrek and reached out to Emily for help. Emily, who was at a movie theater watching a film with her kids, received a text from Courtney asking if they could take in a friendly tom cat who was facing bullying.
Describing the condition Shrek was in, Emily mentioned that he appeared in a sorry state. He was not getting enough food due to the other cats, and his eyes were crusty and unwell. Being FIV positive, a common trait for male street cats, Shrek’s appearance was quite disheveled.
Fortunately, following a necessary operation, Shrek made a speedy recovery, revealing his stunning blue eyes to the world. Image courtesy: wishesrescue.
Credit for the image goes to wishesrescue. Shrek had to undergo multiple surgeries because of his health issues. Emily provided an explanation about the urgent procedures that were required and the reasons behind them. “Shrek suffered from entropion, a condition where the eyelids turn inwards causing the eyelashes to irritate the eyes. This not only caused him pain but also affected his vision. After being neutered and vaccinated, he had to undergo eye surgery and dental surgery,” Emily detailed.
Photo courtesy of wishesrescue
Shrek found his forever home in New York with a loving couple in just under two months. They now happily document his adventures as he enjoys life as a pet cat.
Shrek ended up with a happy ending where he left behind his past troubles. He was adopted by a loving couple in New York City who now manage his social media profiles. Despite his rough beginnings as a street cat in Arizona, Shrek is now living the good life and thriving in his new home. His new dad went above and beyond to bring Shrek home in one day, flying from New York to Phoenix, driving to Tucson to pick up Shrek, then driving back to fly back home to New York.
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While he still has some trouble with his sight, he can now lift his gaze and view things that are higher up.
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Shrek is now thriving in his new life, embracing each moment with joy and contentment.
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