A heartwarming friendship blossomed when Tessa, a former rescue dog, stumbled upon a lost kitten crying in the bushes. Despite her own troubled past, Tessa is now a cheerful and lively pup thanks to her loving owners.
During a stroll one day, Tessa was drawn to the soft mewing of a kitten hidden in the foliage. The whole family was captivated by the adorable stray they named Circe. As Circe became part of their household, Tessa took on the role of a nurturing mother figure.
As time passed, Circe began to imitate Tessa’s actions, behaving more like a dog than a typical cat. They frolicked together, snoozed side by side, and happily shared toys and treats, warming the hearts of their family and online spectators alike.
For more heartwarming moments, check out Tessa and Circe’s adventures on Instagram!
Photo courtesy: tessa.travels
When Bored Panda contacted Tessa’s owners, they had some interesting insights to share about her.”She’s quite a charmer, with a fondness for people and a vibrant aura. Tessa thrives on exploring and trying out new things because she quickly loses interest in routine,” they revealed.
During a leisurely stroll with her humans, Tessa’s attention was caught by the sound of a meowing cat nearby.
Picture courtesy of tessa.travels
Even though they couldn’t track down the kitten’s exact whereabouts, Tessa refused to throw in the towel. Before long, she managed to locate Circe, who appeared to be extremely frightened and disoriented.
Credit for the image goes to tessa.travels.
We were curious about how they first met and how quickly they decided to bring Circe into their home.
Tessa’s owner explained, “We kept hearing meowing coming from a bush, but we couldn’t locate the source of the sound. So, we let Tessa investigate, and she found the kitten right away. We were surprised to see such a tiny, scared kitten with her eyes closed. In that moment, I knew I had to bring her home and provide her with a loving, safe environment.”
Credit for the image goes to tessa.travels.
Shortly afterward, Circe was welcomed into the family, and Tessa quickly formed a strong bond with her.
Photo credit: tessa.travels
The owner elaborated further on the special connection they shared right from the beginning.
“It was clear that Tessa formed an instant bond with this cat. When we were bringing the kitten home, Tessa stayed close, checking on her and making sure she was okay. Once we got her inside, Tessa never left her side. Even as Circe explored the house, Tessa was there every step of the way, ensuring she stayed safe.”
Image courtesy of tessa.travels
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Tessa has always been quite possessive of her belongings, especially when it comes to food and treats. However, her behavior seems to change when it comes to Circe. Despite her usual protective nature, Tessa has never shown any aggression towards Circe or tried to protect her food.
I believe she has a generous spirit, willing to share whatever belongs to her.
Photo courtesy of tessa.travels
Circe started exhibiting dog-like tendencies, and Tessa naturally took on a maternal role towards her. They enjoy playful roughhousing sessions that closely mimic the interactions seen between dogs.
Credit for the image goes to tessa.travels. We were curious about how Tessa has influenced Circe’s personality and if there are any specific ‘dog-like’ behaviors she has adopted. The owner shared, “Circe definitely acts like a dog sometimes. She enjoys picking up things around the house and carrying them in her mouth, and she loves playing catch with us. Her play style with Tessa is very reminiscent of a dog’s, it’s not the usual way you’d see a cat interact with a dog.”
Photograph courtesy of tessa.travels
Here’s how they look at present
Credit for the image goes to tessa.travels.
“I might gross you out, but occasionally I allow Circe and Tessa to play together. Whenever Circe catches a lizard, she always ends up offering it to Tessa.”
The owner also fondly shared some cherished moments of Tessa and Circe interacting together. They mentioned how heartwarming it is to see Tessa sharing her food with Circe and how adorable they are when they play and share their toys. The owner emphasized the importance of understanding and catering to their pets’ personalities and providing them with the best possible life.
Comments on their story included admiration for the owner’s consideration and love for their pets, and how heartening it is to see the bond between Tessa and Circe.
Photo credit: zeegracol.
Image courtesy: pets4
Photo courtesy: jobegupe
Photo courtesy of galaxy812
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Photo courtesy of pat_proo
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