Introducing Trooper, a tiny one-month-old kitten who was discovered in a shed with a serious head injury. Despite others being hesitant to approach him, a compassionate young woman took charge, picked him up, and made sure he received the care he needed.
Trooper, a little tabby boy, was discovered hiding with his mother and siblings in an old shed. Unfortunately, he was found with a severe injury on the top of his head, missing skin. Despite the grim prognosis given by others who suggested euthanasia, Jessie Anderson decided to give Trooper a chance. Determined to help the kitten, she took him home and immediately sought veterinary care. It was revealed that Trooper may have been injured by a lawnmower, with a ‘scalping’ wound on his head and both ears missing.
Despite his traumatic experience, Trooper remained in good spirits and showed a remarkable ability to love and snuggle. Jessie was amazed by the little kitten’s resilience and affectionate nature, describing him as a very special boy who didn’t seem to be aware of his injuries.
Jessie Anderson shared that after some antibiotic cream application, the small furry pet felt a lot more comfortable and even showed gratitude with a few nose kisses. “He’s quite resilient, has a huge appetite, and loves to investigate new things,” Jessie explained to Love Meow.
Jessie handed him a tiny, soft companion to snuggle with, and he absolutely adored it!
Jessie Anderson’s beloved pet Trooper underwent surgery to fix the skin on his head. A piece of skin from his neck was transplanted to his head, but unfortunately, it didn’t attach properly and eventually came off. However, the wound healed on its own in due time. Every night, Trooper shows his gratitude to his owner with affectionate headbutts and kisses before bedtime.
Jessie Anderson shared that her pet underwent surgery to alleviate the tension on the skin around its eye caused by an injury. This surgery was successful in ensuring that the eye could close properly without exposing and drying out the tissue. Additionally, her furry friend has some bald spots on top of its head and tail, but still rocks a cute little Mohawk down its back which perfectly matches its unique personality.
One year following his amazing rescue, the small tabby cat has blossomed into a full-grown feline! “He now has a feline sister and six canine siblings, all of whom were also rescued,” shared Jessie with Love Meow.
Jessie Anderson’s unyielding dedication to Trooper has paid off – the little boy is now living his best life and doesn’t even realize he’s any different. Just take a look at him now!
Jessie Anderson invites you to spread the word about Trooper’s adventures by sharing this tale with your friends. Stay tuned for more updates on Facebook!